The Supply Chaney Podcast – Ep2 Summary

On the 2nd episode we talked with Tom Clark, Partner and Practice Leader at Direct Recruiters, where he leads their supply chain and military transition practice. Here’s a summary of the nuggets of wisdom we collected during the conversation:
- Set longterm career goals, but be flexible.
- Make the most of every opportunity. If someone asks you to hit a single, hit the single, steal second, then third, then home. Capitalize on that opportunity to build your reputation.
- Pause to reflect. Conduct after action reviews (AAR) to understand the impact a situation has had on you and your team and the impact you and your team had on the situation.
- Business leaders must have a strong understanding of the big picture, the top and bottom line, and how each function in a company contributes to the company strategy and success.
- Supply chain careers tend to shift up and down the value chain. You can say bye to your boss on Friday and on Monday be their biggest customer on the other side of the table.
- Three keys to being an effective recruiter: know what makes people tick, know the science and art of recruiting, and know the customer’s business as good or better than they do.
- Supply chain performance is critical in healthcare because lives are on the line.
- Recruiting is like playing the card game ‘memory’. Take a mental picture, remember as many cards as you can, turn them all over, and start flipping over cards and making matches.
- Internal company recruiter vs an outside recruiter:
- A recruiting firm has deep knowledge and contacts in an industry whereas an internal recruiter handles front line associates all the way up to VP roles across disciplines.
- A job seeker can be more authentic with a recruiting firm since they are job agnostic whereas when a job seeker speaks to a company recruiter, they naturally appeal to that specific company and role, not taking all possible roles and companies into consideration.
- Most internal recruiters simply comb through applicants while recruiting firms actively contact to passive candidates (those not actively looking) to find the best person for the job.
- Private Equity firms use recruiters to add talent into a business to boost it’s value, then sell.
- Resume reviewing by the numbers example:
- Use AI to get 1000 applicants narrowed down to the top 100.
- Recruiter reviews each of the 100 resumes for 6 seconds to select the top 20.
- Spend 2 minutes deeply reviewing the top 20 to select the top 5, who get interviewed.
- Resume tip: Your resume should leverage the titles you have had or the places you have worked in order to position you for your targeted role or company.
- Resumes are like credit reports. Employers want to hire people who have been there and done that because it reduces their risk of a bad hire.
- Quantify your experience. If you have 5 sub-bullets under a job position, 3 should be quantifiable. Stats related to scope and scale of the position “3 locations and a team of 50” are not as good as “30% cost reduction and 99.5% on-time”. (Hint: take a note of all metrics you are responsible for when you start a new role so you can measure you impact later.)
- As applicants use AI to tweak resumes and employers use AI to filter through resumes, we drift further from what matters at the end of the day – genuine relationships.
- COVID-19 elevated the status of supply chain professionals and departments in most companies such that supply chain executives are finding their way to the CEO seat more than ever before.
- The pandemic exposed weak supply chain leaders who were replaced, and validated those who had been warning their companies that they need to improve supply chain resilience.
- Supply chain management skills are needed in nearly every company and are transferrable from industry to industry so it’s a great time to be in supply chain or get on board if you’re not already.
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